Mighty Postpartum Resource List
Trustworthy and easy to reference!
Here is a list of my go-to favorite postpartum resources – vetted and approved – all rounded up in one convenient place!
I've classified them by topic (breastfeeding, baby sleep, newborn development, postpartum recovery, postpartum help, and more), and then by type (websites & directories; articles; videos; related podcasts).
As you go through the course, you'll notice that some of these resources are mentioned in the different class sections. This is to help you dive deeper into a topic while you are focusing on it.
Click below to expand the desired section:
Websites & Directories
- ILCA’s Find a Lactation Consultant Directory
- Find a La Leche League Leader or Group Near You
- KellyMom.com - for evidence-based breastfeeding information, with a fabulous search engine
- NancyMohrbacher.com - full of great blog-posts, videos, handouts, infographics, and even a “Breastfeeding Solutions” app.
- NaturalBreastfeeding.com - has a 38 minute video explaining the natural breastfeeding technique that makes for and easier start to breastfeeding. They also have a more in-depth program.
- The Many Ways of Burping Baby, from Ask Dr. Sears
- How to bottle feed the breastfed baby, from KellyMom.com (includes a PDF version!)
- Hand Expression of Breastmilk, by Dr. Jane Morton for the Stanford School of Medicine
- Breastfeeding Videos from Dr. Jack Newman’s International Breastfeeding Centre (includes videos of a really good drinker and a good drinker, a “nibbler” a baby that self latches, starts nibbling, and then drinks well, a 10-hour old baby, and a 2-day old)
- Natural Breastfeeding How-To's: (series of 9 videos).
- Breastfeeding Made Simple: Seven Natural Laws for Nursing Mothers, by Nancy Mohrbacher, and Kathleen Kendall-Tackett
- The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding: Completely Revised and Updated 8th Edition, by Diane Wiessinger and Diana West
Related podcast episodes
Why Breastfeeding a Newborn is Different, with Theresa Nesbitt
Breastfeeding Your Newborn, Jack Newman
Laid-Back Breastfeeding, with Attie Sandink
Jaundice, with Jack Newman
11 Breastfeeding Need-to-Knows, with Robin Kaplan
Breastfeeding Preparation, with Cindy Leclerc
Growth & Development
Websites & Directories
- Newborn Weight Loss and IV Fluids in Labor, , from Nancy Mohrbacher
- Newborn Weight Loss – 6 Things You Need To Know, from BellyBelly
- Study shows link between maternal IV fluids and weight loss in newborns, from Stanford Medicine
Growth spurts, from KellyMom.com
Related podcast episodes
Your Baby’s Fussy Phases, with Dr. Frans Plooij
Newborn sleep patterns, from Parenting Science
- American Academy of Pediatrics New Safe Sleep Recommendations to Protect Against SIDS article, and the full study
The Safe Sleep Seven, campaign for safer bed sharing
Handouts from RedNose (used to be SidsAndKids)
- ABC's of Sleep, from Nationwide Children's hospital
- 4 hypnotic tricks to get your baby to sleep: all four of these tricks together are great at helping you get your baby to sleep. With some creativity, all can be done with baby on the sleep surface you want them to stay on so you can avoid a transfer. Yay!
- Sleep cues: Watch this baby go through a series of different active cues. (Note - listen without sound, as the music is horrible!)
Related podcast episodes
Newborn Sleep, Rebecca Michi
safer bed sharing, teresa pitman
Soothing & Calming
- The 5 S’s for Soothing Babies, from The Happiest Baby on the Block
- Kangaroo Mother Care: Restoring the Original Paradigm for Infant Care and Breastfeeding, from La Leche League International
- Skin-to-Skin Contact May Lower Risk for Postpartum Depression, from Psych Central
- The Importance of Skin to Skin Contact, by Jack Newman, M.D., FRCPC
- Saving Babies’ Lives by Carrying Them Like Kangaroos, from The Atlantic
- Crying, by Janelle Durham, from transitiontoparenthood.com
- Curing Colic: The 4th Trimester, the Calming Reflex & the 5 S’s, by Dr. Harvey Karp for reflux.com
- Making Baby’s Shots Less Tearful, from the New York Times, on a research article published in the Journal of Pediatrics about the effects of using the 5’s
- What is colic? A guide for the science-minded parent, from parentingscience.com
- Infant crying, fussing, and colic, from parentingscience.com
- Colicky babies:: Excessive, inconsolable crying and the role of brain chemistry, from parentingscience.com
- Baby Calming Magic. Video showing Dr. Karp's techniques in action.
Related podcast episodes
What’s the big deal with skin-to-skin?, with Sylvia Houston
- Hip-Healthy Swaddling, from the International Hip Dysplasia Institute
- Benefits of Babywearing, from Babywearing International
- Baby wearing safety, from Babywearing International
- Best Practice Tips for Baby Wearing, from BabyGearLab
- Baby Carriers, Seats, & Other Equipment, International Hip Dysplasia Institute Educational Statement
Understanding Your Baby
- dunstanbaby.com – where you train your ears to your newborn’s 5 types of cries
- Bringing Up Bébé by Pamela Druckerman
Related podcast episodes
Understanding & Calming Your Baby, with Carrie Contey
Professional Directories
Certified Lactation Consultants
Postpartum doulas
Mental health
Cranial-sacral therapists
Pelvic PT specialist
Mental Health & Postpartum Mood Disorders
Postpartum Mood Disorders
- Postpartum.net - Postpartum Support International
- PostpartumDads.org
- Pattch.org - Prevention and Treatment of Traumatic Birth Organization
Self-Assessment Tools
New Mom Mental Health Checklist – From Postpartum Support International (great for communicating with your careprovider)
Mental Health Checklist for Mums, (online quiz) from beyondblue.org.au
- Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale, (online quiz) from PsychologyTools.com
Other Resources
- List of Worldwide Postpartum Support Organizations
- Tools for Mom, from Postpartum Support International
- PSI First Monday Chats for Dads, from Postpartum Support International
- Resources for Fathers, from Postpartum Support International
- Listening to Mothers III - Report from Childbirth Connection
Postpartum Depression: Surprising rate of women depressed after baby, article from Science Daily about 2013 Northwestern University study
Postpartum Depression, Dr. Kathleen Kendall-Tackett
Coping Mechanisms
- Coping Mechanisms, from Good Therapy.org
- How Do You Cope? How People Cope With Stressful Situations, from the Semel Institute
- Coping Mechanisms, from ChangingMinds.org
Mindfulness & Meditation
• The Calm App - mindfulness & meditation app • The Expectful App - evidence-based guided meditation app for women that are trying to conceive, pregnant, and new moms. (affiliate link) (Regular link)
Difficult Births
- How to Come to Terms with a Difficult Birth, by Kathleen Kendall-Tackett for Women's Health Today
- Healing Your Birth Story, with Pam England
- Birth Trauma, with Jody Hall
- Childbirth PTSD, with Cheryl Tatano Beck
Articles & Research
- Parenting styles: A guide for the science-minded, from ParentingScience.com
- 4 Types of Parenting Styles and Their Effects on Kids, from VeryWell.com
- 12 Different Types of Parenting Styles and Child Discipline Strategies, from Positive Parenting Ally
- Parenting Research, from the Gottman Institute
- Baby Shock! Elizabeth Martyn (affiliate link) (regular link)
- How to Talk so Kids Will Listen and Listen so Kids Will Talk, by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish (affiliate link) (regular link)
Becoming Family
- Becoming Us: 8 Steps to Grow a Family that Thrives, by Elly Taylor (affiliate link) (regular link)
- And Baby Makes Three: The Six-Step Plan for Preserving Marital Intimacy and Rekindling Romance After Baby Arrives, by John Gottman and Julie Schwartz Gottman (affiliate link) (regular link)
The Microbiome
Your Baby’s Microbiome, with Dr. Rodney Dietert
The Microbiome and Your Baby's Immune System, with Toni Harman
On Flat Head Syndrome:
Flat-head Syndrome, Michelle Emanuel
On Pacifiers and Nipple Confusion:
- Do Pacifiers Reduce the Risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome? A Meta-analysis, Pediatrics Magazine’
- Pacifiers: Satisfying Your Baby’s Needs, from the American Academy of Pediatrics
- Pacifiers: Yes or No?, from La Leche League International
- Clearing Up the Nipple Confusion